As a photographer I have been receiving a plethora of fashion photo assignments ranging from fashion shows to magazine ads. The majority of these requests have been from new and start-up clothing designers specializing in everything from boxers to cocktail dresses. Working with a start-up forms the challenge of budget. Mainly of me getting paid. The term “day rate” takes on a whole new meaning, however in an entrepreneurial world I need to keep my options open and accept the occasional lower than normal check. Aside from the positive payback, the relationship can be extra rewarding knowing that I was there at their conception of the company.
Fashion designers, with the exception of the majors, have an extremely low life expectancy. One years fashion is next years so last year. Keeping up with trends, colors, styles, textures, bling, not to mention celebrity wearers of your brand can put you out of business before your clothes get shipped.

Fashion designers need to find a new way of thinking. Out of the box works, however “Beyond The Box” is where effectiveness becomes visible. What will be in the shelf next week or month?

Fashion shows provide a quick fix to show your product to potential Designers produce their shows as theatrical productions with elaborate sets and added elements such as house music and dramatic lights, inclusive of the energy from the photographers rapid flashes.